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Watch and Pray (2)

In our previous discussion, we began with the Book of Nehemiah and the fourth chapter. We were made to understand that the devil feels less threatened when our walls are down, but the moment we hear the words of encouragement to begin building the broken walls, he becomes more alert and begins to fight against it, hence, we must watch and pray while we seek to rebuild the broken walls that encamps around us.

The devil is happy that your wall of prayer is down. He is happy that your wall of devotion to the work of the ministry is down. The moment you begin the journey of restoring those walls, he comes at you with everything he’s got. We must not stop at erecting our broken walls, we must become watchmen over those walls, in other to ensure that we stay alert over the wiles of the devil, lest the walls come crashing.

Having said that, we will again focus on another aspect of our discussion on the topic before us today.

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” Mat 26.41 (NIV). Shortly before His arrest, He took His disciples to pray at a place called Gethsemane. He then took Peter, James, and John further to go pray with Him. As the scripture puts it

“Going a little further, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed…then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’ he asked Peter. Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”

Mat 26. 39-41. 

The word ‘watch’ as explained earlier is ‘grēgoreuō’ (gray-gor-yoo’-o), it means to give strict attention to, be cautious, active. It also means to take heed lest, through remission and indolence, some destructive calamity suddenly overtakes one. It means to be vigilant.

Keep in mind that before this hour, Jesus told His disciples that they will all fall away, that is, to forsake Him as He undergoes persecution. However, Peter replied that Master “Even if all fall away, in account of you, I never will”. Truly, I tell you; Jesus answered, ‘This very night, before the cock crows, you will disown me three times’ Mat 26.31-34.

The Master returned and found Peter and the other disciples sleeping, it was obvious he didn’t understand the gravity of his statement and he probably was relying on his strength to bring to pass what he said to the Master, so he chose sleep over prayer. We see, however, that Jesus brought Peter to pray alongside Him. He said to him ‘Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation’.

What is that temptation that was before Peter? Denying Jesus. In other words, Jesus revealed to Peter that there lies a temptation ahead of him to deny his Master, but if he would watch and pray with Jesus, he could overcome that which lies ahead. Prayer is an opportunity granted to us by the Father to change the direction of our lives. Jesus gave Peter an opportunity to effect a change in the place of prayer. It doesn’t glorify God that Peter disowns or forsakes Jesus, hence, Jesus brought him to pray alongside Himself.

Prayer allows your spirit to gain dominance over the flesh so that you can carry out the will of the Father. It is not enough for you to be willing in spirit (your spirit is always willing as a believer to obey the voice of God), however, the flesh is always present to contend with it.

What gives your spirit mastery over your flesh? Your devotion to prayer. Praying without ceasing, praying at all times. Giving heed to temptation easily is a sign that there’s no fire on your altar of prayer. Prayer helps your spirit to bring the flesh and all its lustful desires under control. Prayer opens your eyes to recognize the temptation that lies ahead of you and not just that, the grace to overcome such is granted in the place of prayer. How do you know you have gained the ascendency in the place of prayer? When the sins you easily heed to, no longer have the mastery over you.

To be continued…

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