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Was The Church Ever Closed?

By Ademola O.A.

The world is going through challenging and harsh times that has suddenly affected the fate of many since the outbreak of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Most people and organisations will take a long while to recover from the shock meted out by the outbreak which has affected every strata of human life on a large scale. Schools, government, businesses, churches and other religious centers are affected as well. This has led to government giving out restrictions and guidelines to help limit the spread, which includes restricting large gatherings and closed down of event centers and places of worship. Due to this restrictions, churches have been unable to open their worship centers. Irrespective of the given directives, the spread and death toll has continued to increase globally.

How does this affect the Church of Christ? Does it really have any impact on our Christianity? If human beings or the government decides to lock down the church buildings, will it limit our expression in the worship of God? There are places in the world where Christianity is forbidden to be practiced and this has never stopped the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that, “…I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Though speaking of his death and also his resurrection and how that his death will not stop the establishment of his Church, rather it will be a catalyst in the establishment of it because where there is no death, there can’t be a resurrection. This is also how God has designed the Church of Christ to be sustained and advanced – to prosper in the face of adversity. If you notice the pattern in the book of Acts, the church increased and spread every time persecution arose. The Church can not be stopped.

Please take note that the word Church as used in the bible is from the Greek word ekklesia, which means a called out body of people. This body of people are called out so that they could be gathered unto their God and worship him just like the nation of Israel was led out of Egypt to the wilderness to gather together and worship God then advanced to take the promised land. This concept shows us that THE CHURCH is a gathering or a congregation of God’s people for the purpose of worship. Generally for a people to gather then there must be a geographical location where that congregating can be achieved. The Israelite gathered at the foot of Sinai before making their way to Canaan. When they got to the promised land, a temple was built where they could go and worship God and offer sacrifices. The gathering of God’s people just like any other gathering on earth must have a location and the church, though a spiritual people, is not exempted.

Change of Location

Jesus categorically stated that the location of worship will change, in fact he said it had changed from his time. Whilst there is going to be a new body of people called out, not from Egypt but the world of darkness, they will worship God in a different way and in a different location – not the ones the Jews or Samaritans were used to.

Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

John 4:21,23-24

The location has change from neither Sinai nor Jerusalem to THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT. And the manner in which God is to be worshiped has also changed. God is Spirit. The new Creation (The Ekklesia) is Spirit also. So we worship in Spirit and in Truth. This ordinarily means that location or choice of venue is of little relevance since the realm of the Spirit is everywhere. God can now be worshiped ANYWHERE. The most important thing is that there is a gathering of The Ekklesia. That is why Jesus also said, where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). What is required for church to be constituted is a gathering of at least two or three person in whatever location they choose with designated authority. Please note that this location has to be a physical, face to face gathering, not just online. This is because not every aspect of human life and relationship can be achieved through the use of technology as some might reason. An effective gathering of believers that will fulfill all the plans and purposes of God for the body cannot be relegated to a distant relationship bridged by communication technology, it has to be in person to be effective. Just as parents can not raise their children online then raising through disciples cannot be done strictly online. There is a place for technology and it helps to bridge communication gaps but should not and does not replace the need for physical human interaction.

The concept of Church as inspired and established by the Spirit of God in the book of Acts of the Apostles is far fetched from what is extant in today’s world. What people are being made to believe The Church is, is not what The Church really is. Some know Church as a building they go to worship God just like the temple of those days, while others call them-self the church since the bible says that we are the temple of God. Some see church as a place they go to hook up with friends and business partners and for some it is a place of great entertainment where you dance all the dance moves you would have danced in the club or at a party or perhaps a place laugh away your sorrows through the performance of a hired comedian.

The Church is the pillar and ground of truth not a place to get ourselves entertained. It is a place where we fellowship with other saints and are equipped for life and ministry. It is a place where we learn how to effectively advance the agenda of The Father. It is a place for strengthening and encouragement for all of God’s children.

Was The Church Ever Closed?

I think the answer to that is obvious by now. The Church is a spiritual entity with a physical representation on the earth. We belong to a kingdom that doesn’t originate or belong here but functions here in the mean time. The Church doesn’t receive its directives from man but from God. Though the members of the Church are meant to obey the laws of man but never at the expense of their obedience to the divine laws of God.

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
(Joh 15:19)

How the church is meant to function has been clearly stated in the bible. Our worship to God is done in Spirit and in Truth regardless of the physical location as long as there is a body of people. Since the church is a spiritual entity, there is no physical human regulation that can suspend it or cause it to cease to exist. Since there is no specific location assigned then our fellowship and assembly can be done anywhere. Many cannot attend a church gathering where there is no proper air conditioning, some cannot attend church services where there is no good instruments to give good sounding music. Everything is now about flashes of lights from the camera or the moving strobe lights. I have encountered people who say they cannot attend church gatherings because they don’t have good clothes to put on. Everything has now become a show for the flesh. The emphasis is no more on the Spirit. This has built a wrong mindset and expectation in Christians. It has to change otherwise we cannot harness the fullness of our potentials as the Church.

The doors of the cathedrals and assembly venues may have been shut all these months, but note that The Church was never for one day closed. The True Church of Christ gathered in those homes and in the open. Souls were added to the kingdom, impact was made like never before. No doubt, in these trying times, the church has made more progress contrary to the thoughts of many. We have made more impact and more souls have been added to the kingdom.

We advance and the gates of hades will not prevail.


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