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The Place of Prayer and Power (EM-June 2019)

This is sequel to A Prayerless and Power-less Christian .


So what is prayer and what does prayer really do?

Prayer is a communication with God, simply put. A deep heartfelt interaction with the divine. It’s a communication that attracts a response. It’s a unique place of fellowship with the Spirit of God, only that many have reduced it to just a means whereby their desires are gratified. Prayer is beyond that. It is a place of unleashing the forces and realities of heaven. In the place of prayer we speak words and through our words things come into manifestation just as we proclaim them. In the place of prayer we become more tuned to God’s Spirit and are aligned with his will for our lives. It becomes easy to hear Him as our spirit man tunes in to Him. The place of prayer is the place of the manifestation of God’s power and communication of God’s will.

Why Do We Pray?
We basically pray because of the need to communicate. Though the content of our communication depends on our need per time, it is important to know that prayer is not just about gratifying our needs but when we pray we are doing the will of God. Just like our earthly relationships, we speak with people when we need to and it’s not just all about asking for favours. We do so for varied reasons depending on the situation.

A man who has a true relationship with God always prays. So prayer is not restricted by time, location and or space. There’s no time that prayer cannot be said and there’s no place it cannot be engaged in.

The content of our prayer is very vital because it determines if we are exercising our faith in the right way and on the right things.

“if we pray according to his will, he hears us” (1John 5:14-15 )

We pray according to God’s will to be guaranteed audience and answers.

Things You Can’t Pray For

  1. You can’t ask God for what he has already given you.
  2. You can’t ask God to do what he has already done.
  3. You can’t ask God to do what he has assigned you to do.

These kinds of prayer will not get the desired audience or answers. One of the the things a child of God can’t ask God for is power because power is fundamentally available and provided. So where does power come from?


Our power originates from our relationship with God. From our position in him. Not from our prayer. It is in the place of prayer that we use the power we have. Prayer is one of the avenues to dispense the power that God has given us. Glory to God!

Jesus told the apostles:
But you shall receive POWER, AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME upon you and shall be witnesses… ” (Acts 1:8)

You see. Power came after the Holy Ghost came and that power becomes resident in the believers forever as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ.

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever” (John 14:16)

The presence of the Holy Spirit is the presence of power. Remember, you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes. So as long as the Holy Spirit is in you then there’s power available in you.

If you already have something then there wouldn’t be any need to be requesting for it again, except you are not aware that you are already in the possession of it. This is tantamount to a display of ignorance.


It is one thing to POSSESS power and another thing to USE power. It is obvious that it is a miscommunication of ideology to say that you are powerless without prayer. It’s a great show of ignorance for a Christian to even ask God for power or for more power as seen in some cases. If you are asking for power then what happened to the Holy Spirit in you, the powerhouse of the Godhead.

It’s important to note that power exists in two forms – Potential and Kinetic. Potential is when it is at rest and inactive while Kinetic is when it is at work and productive. The fact that power may not be in operation does not in anyway suggest that it is not present, available and ready to be dispensed when needed. It will be foolish to assume that because your light bulbs are off then there no power supply in your house. If you want the lights on all you have to do is turn on the switch. That a Christian doesn’t look powerful doesn’t mean he/she is powerless. Power will be activated when the Christian activates it though prayer.

What you need to ask is for enlightenment as contained in the kind of prayer Paul prayed for the Ephesians.

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

And what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

 Which he performed in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places

(Eph 1:17-20)

You see, we need the eyes of our understanding to be enlightened to know the exceeding greatness of God’s power. This means there’s so much power available in us and can work through us but we need to know the potency and ability of this power. This should be your prayer – Lord give me insight into your power.

We need this revelation to birth faith in us and help us know what to have faith for and how to have faith. It helps out heart trust in God without doubt. It helps us wait patiently for corresponding results as we apply our faith.

Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done.” (Matt 21:21)

If you have no revelation of God’s word you will doubt the power of God. Be full of light and revelation. Go forth and manifest God’s power to your world.

Stay edified.

Written by Ademola Aderibigbe


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