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The Full Story

The Full Story

You walked into the conference hall late, it was the session that your favorite speaker was to handle, but you had something really serious to attend to. As you tried to take your seat, you heard him say “I can eat a full cow”, then that call came in, you have to take it, so you step out, without hearing his next words.

Some persons on hearing only that statement would respond by saying “OK, I hear you”. Others would say, “Maybe I didn’t hear well, I am sure he meant he can eat a full cow leg…” Some will listen to the end to get understanding and if need be ask “how long will it take you to eat a full cow? Where did you learn to eat a full cow?” etc.

You see, as believers, sometimes we take a passage or verse of the bible and read it completely out of context. Sometimes it is our favorite memory verse from childhood. Other times, it is a verse that solved our problem at a particular time, the list is endless. Each verse is not an island of itself, most times, you have to study the preceding and proceeding chapters or verses to gain full understanding.

It is sad that most believers are now on the platform of “OK, I hear you”. This is not to say you should ask questions in unbelief, NO. This is to say that you should ask questions to get the full picture and create an unshakable conviction, because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word about Christ.

Dear believer, study to show yourself approved, a workman who needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth (1 Tim 2:15). Study to build yourself and those around you. Get your emotions out of the way, the truth is always bitter for the flesh but that does not prevent it from being the truth.

The Bereans were called noble/honourable men because they heard the word with an open mind, were eager to learn, and searched the scriptures daily to confirm these words. These four factors – an open mind devoid of sentiments, the eagerness to learn, the act of studying or searching the scriptures, and the act of studying it consistently – can’t be ignored by a Christian who wants to grow in the word. The world we live in has made the scriptures easier to access but the individuals are no longer eager to access it.

Is that all you need? No. You need someone who knows the heart and mind of God, and never forgets God’s word, to teach you and He is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). You need Him to help you understand the network of things in God’s word and to remember to put them to work. If you study without the help of the Holy Spirit, you may end up being confused and weary (Eccl. 12:12). The bible is not a story book.

Lastly, create time for serious study. Avoid distractions, find a good place and set time aside, so you do not miss out on God’s words for you and the instructions you need. I hope next time, you do not rely on the memory verses you stored up in your head for the full interpretation of God’s word. Study brethren, Study.


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