Faith is the substance of our hope in the things that are yet to manifest in this world. A believer’s life is a life of faith as the word says, “the just shall live by faith”. Without faith, the bible says, “it is impossible to please God” (Heb 11:1,6; Gal 3:11). One cannot be born again without faith, thus faith in born in every child of God as they receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. The foundation of the Christian life is FAITH and faith is what is required to live the life. Every aspect of our lives should be a demonstration of our faith – our words and actions.
You should never pray for Faith, you can only pray in faith. Faith is what is required for your prayers to be answered, so how can you pray for what you need to get your prayers answered? It is like saying you need to have Faith to get MORE FAITH for you to get answered prayers. There must be some other way to get it!
The disciples of Jesus once tried praying for their faith to be increase. They said “Lord increase our faith”, but Jesus responded by telling them, “if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to the tree be uprooted and transplanted in the sea…” (Luk 17:5-6) What the Lord was saying in essence is that “it is not your prayer that will give you more faith, it is when you exercise your faith that your faith can be productive…it doesn’t matter if that faith is small or big, size does not matter. Instead of praying for more faith, use the little you have.” In other words, many times we think we need more faith, we have actually not put to use our current level of faith well enough to achieve the desired result.
So how does faith come? Faith comes by hearing or receiving the word of God (Rom 10:17). It doesn’t matter in what form that word is transmitted to you (by television, radio, internet, church, books, etc), as long as you receive it your faith is strengthened and built. This is how to get more faith, GET MORE OF GOD’S WORD! As you believe the word more and exercise yourself in it your faith gets stronger. So it doesn’t matter how much you plead and cry to God, nothing will happen to your faith until you receive the Word and put it to work. Faith doesn’t come by praying, it comes by receiving the Word. You don’t need to pray for faith, you pray in faith.
Written by Ademola O. A.

He is the Lead Pastor of Edify Ministry, a platform that God has used to enrich and establish so many lives for over a decade, giving them focus and direction through sound teaching of the Word and demonstration of the Spirit.
Even faith of mustard seed is always a joy.