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ETMGlobal – (May 2018) Understanding Faith (1)


“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation”
(Romans 10:10)

Faith, simply put is belief and the actions done with respect to the belief one has. We develop beliefs from the words we hear and have convictions about. Without conviction we can not be motivated to act accordingly. The spirit of faith speaks and acts what it hears and receives. We believe and therefore we speak (2Cor 4:13).

Christians often wonder why the manifestation of God’s word in their lives seems to delay, and some don’t know why this is. The major factor is your conviction in the Word of Faith – the word that is meant to produce the faith in the first place. Several people often assume that they have faith whereas their conviction is not really solid. This always shows in their corresponding action. Your action the fruit of your conviction. Please note that with faith in as much as your convictions are important, you only receive the full benefits when you act on what you believe.

I believe you have been edified.


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