“…for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you.
So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” (Heb 13:5-6)
As Christians, we need to understand a vital part of our lives which is the things we say. Our words rule and coordinate our lives because just as God created the world by The Word, in our very words also is the power to create our own world by the things we say – whether good or bad. Every time we speak, we are either speaking God’s word or the devil’s word and this will determine the kind of effect we will have in our lives – thr results and the kind of atmosphere surrounding our lives.
The things written in the Bible are words spoken by God and are written for us his children. Hence in order to have what God has provided for us, we are meant to say what he has said about us in his Word. He said it to teach us what to say. He said it so that we can say it also and have his kind of result. We are to focus on speaking his word at all times and speak it deliberately and consciously, that way we can determine what the results of our lives would be. The spirit of Faith is to believe and speak the very Word of God. (2Corinthians 4:13-14)
Keep saying what He has said and watch your live take a new turn.
Grace be with you.

He is the Lead Pastor of Edify Ministry, a platform that God has used to enrich and establish so many lives for over a decade, giving them focus and direction through sound teaching of the Word and demonstration of the Spirit.