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A Prayerless and Powerless Christian (EM – June 2019)

I believe that you may have heard the statement before, “A prayer-less Christian is a power-less Christian.” Is there really such thing as a power-less Christian? Does the power of a Christian come from prayers?

While growing up as a young Christian I use to hear this statement a lot around Christian circles. It is usually made when encouraging Christians to lead a life of constant communication with God in prayers and fellowship. I believe this notion was developed through the fact that the power of God is mostly seen in operation when someone says a word of prayer, hence the conclusion that power comes through prayers. So they say if you don’t pray then you are powerless as a Christian. It could also be a misinterpretation of what Jesus told his disciples to tarry till they are endued with power from on high.

Is this statement true for a Christian?
What does the scripture have to say about this?

I found out that so much damage has been done when truths or ideas are not communicated properly. Utmost care must therefore be employed when communicating biblical truths so as not to create the wrong impression. We must endeavor to communicate things as they are stated.

In this first place there is no scriptural backing for this statement especially under the new covenant. And no where is it mentioned both in old and new testaments that that a child of God is powerless when they don’t pray rather the pattern we see is actually different.

Let’s now examine some examples of men who walked with God from scriptures.

One of the most outstanding physical display of strength and power we find recorded in the Bible is by the man Samson. Samson was anointed of the Lord just like every other person whom God used in the old testament but only this time God chooses to manifest His power through a man’s physical use of strength. He had this ability because God set him apart for his own purpose from when he was born. He never asked for the power of God rather the anointing gave him access to supernatural strength and he just wielded it anytime it’s needed.
Studying the case of Samson, it’s worthy to note that he requested to be strengthened by God when he was going to pull down the pillars of the building to collapse upon him and his captors. He didn’t ask for power (Judges 16:28).

Called of God through the burning bush experience, he manifested the power of God in amazing ways that led to the release of ten plagues on the Egyptians which led to the exodus of the Israelites. All through their journey in the wilderness, they saw diverse miracles that proved the power of God in form of provisions and protection. Moses never prayed to God to receive power or become powerful as it were rather the call of God upon his life gave him access to command the power of God. Thus he would communicate with God when there was a need and God would tell him what to do. An example is that of the parting of the red sea. God told Moses to stretch his hand over the waters and divide it. He did and the sea parted to create a dry Land for the Israelites to walk upon. (Exodus 14:13-22)

An anointed prophet of God with many signs and wonders. He prayed and it never rained for three years, he raise a child back to life, confronted the prophets of Baal, called down fire to consume the sacrifice on the altar just to mention a few. Not once was it mentioned that he asked God for power, not even when he faced the prophets of Baal.

God told him that before he was conceived and given birth to he had called him and chosen him to be a prophet to the nations. God even told him he has ordained him to root out, destroy and plant through his words. So the power of God mostly manifested through the words of Jeremiah as he went about his prophetic ministry declaring what God has told him to declare. (Jeremiah 1:5,10) He didn’t pray to God for more power rather as he went about his ministry the power of God manifested according to his prophetic messages.

The son of God after the Holy Spirit decedent upon him went into the Wilderness forty days and returned in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14). The power that Jesus demonstrated was not acquired in the wilderness like some may think but just like the prophets of old the anointing of the Holy Spirit brought that power that was required to fulfill his ministry. Some have fasted on mountains endlessly to acquire this power but Jesus already gave the key to receiving and unloading this power – The Holy Spirit. You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes (Acts 1:8)

These men had been with the Lord throughout his earthly ministry. The Lord told them to tarry in Jerusalem till they are endued with power. They did and the Holy Spirit came (Acts 1:8). What happened after that changed the history of the world completely. These men never after that experience ask God for power or more power. They just went about witnessing Christ with signs and wonders following (Acts 5:12). The powerhouse of the Godhead was already dwelling in them, generating the power needed within them.

From the few examples we have seen above, one common thing stands out, power is often connected to the anointing and calling and the manifestation of power comes with actions which is not limited to prayer alone. Power always comes with the package. No special prayers were needed to ask for power or more power. These men we’re confident in the anointing they had received and just acted based on it. And every time they acted there were divers results following.

We will consider the place of prayer in the part two of this article.

Stay edified.

Written by Ademola Aderibigbe 


  1. Motun

    “You shall receive power when the Holy spirit has come upon you”
    Thank you Moses for this write-up, God bless you.

    • Ademola A.

      Yes it was Elisha’s bones and not Elijah. This has been corrected in the article. Thanks a bunch. Stay blessed and keep waxing stronger in Christ.

  2. Pingback:The Place of Prayer and Power (EM-June 2019) – Edify Ministry

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