What does Christmas really mean to you?
To some it’s a season to share, to others a season of love. To many it’s a time for holiday to take a break from the years tussle and bustle. To some it’s a time to visit family and friends. Due to myriads of pleasurable activities this season, the true meaning of Christmas has eluded most people. Don’t be one in the number.
Jesus Christ is the real reason for Christmas and if that knowledge becomes a revelation in you, it will motivate you to do the things that Jesus came for – saving the lost souls.
Until Christmas becomes a personal revelation to you, you will only celebrate it like everyone else.
As a Christian the reality of Christmas is already at work in your life because you have Jesus Christ in you. The angels said to the shepherds who were watching over their flocks in the field, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Let the peace of Christ through make men come to peace with their maker.
Let the true meaning of Christmas be evident in your life.
All over the world we say Merry Christmas and an Edifying New Year to you all.

He is the Lead Pastor of Edify Ministry, a platform that God has used to enrich and establish so many lives for over a decade, giving them focus and direction through sound teaching of the Word and demonstration of the Spirit.