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An Epistle to The Christian

The bad experiences you may have had with some Christians and churches doesn’t mean good ones are not out there. Try to look out for the good ones or ask the Spirit of God to direct you and this time stay there, be impacted and grow. Stop jumping up and down. You will be unstable and you will never grow. Never isolate yourself from fellowship perpetually. It does more harm than good.

Fellowship is a command from God not a suggestion. Of course you can choose to disobey at your own expense. He loves the gathering of his people and there are blessings and graces God has put in the body of believers that you will never get elsewhere despite the imperfections that may be there. You won’t get it in that your personal fellowship time or online streaming. That’s how God designed it.

“He makes the whole body fit together and unites it through the support of every joint. As each and every part does its job, he makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:16 GW )

There is a supply of life that flows from the body of believers. Find an assembly and be intergrated. Do your part and let others do theirs. Don’t be easily offended at other believers or your pastor. Offence is not a fruit of the spirit…it is breeded and cultured by demons in the hearts of men who allow it fester. In some cases what is breeding that offence may be your ignorance of the truth in scriptures or your impatience to learn.

Some of us have become experts in Christianity speculations and some are spiritual detectives. You know all the churches that have faults and the pastors that are fake. Have you forgotten that you also have flaws too? Someone is also detecting you too because you may even be a fake christian. It sounds funny, right? And sometimes you may even be the one that has a faulty understanding that needs to be upgraded.

Stop looking for a perfect church of your fantasies. There was never one perfect church in the bible. Ephesians, Corinthians, Colossians, Phillipians all had issues which the apostles wrote letters to address. Even Jesus spoke of the seven churches in the book of Revelations chapters 1-3. The church is being perfected and will be mature before the return of Christ. We are still on that journey and we will get there faster if we work together in unity, oneness of mind and spirit.

A good church will attract all kinds of personalities. People with all kinds of past and present issues looking for a better future of which YOU are one of them.

Learn to keep your gaze on the word of God and the work it is doing in your life and in others. Just like doctors are trained to detect sickness and diseases, if you look for imperfections in men, you will certainly see plenty. But if you focus on what the Word of God is doing in their lives, you will see their progress despite their many faults.

Hope this has helped you. Now, get up and go to church!

Stay focused.

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