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Setting Your Affections Aright

There are a lot of things competing for our time and devotion to God in this day and time.  It seems like the activities of man have got to another phase, where everyone is in a rush to meet up with plans, goals, careers, and the like. In the midst of all these, we are gradually losing sight and touch of the very essence of our living. 

We have allowed ourselves to be entangled by the activities of life, we rush through everything we do, even down to our fellowship with God, and we also rush through it. Do you still commit yourself to at least an hour of prayer like you used to? We have found an excuse for ourselves and it’s that we can pray anywhere and anytime, which is true, but can you stay in the place of fellowship with God like you used to without being in a hurry to want to leave because you think that other things need to be taken care of.

We may not know it but gradually, our love is waxing cold (see Matthew 24:12). The desire for fellowship and communion with God is gradually been replaced with the cares and distractions of the world and we seem not to be doing anything about that. We have come to accept it as a normal way of life, the new normal, so adjust to it. That’s not how we have come to learn of Christ. 

We have become quick to give excuses on why certain things we ought to be doing for the Kingdom are not been done. For some, the desire for pleasure has taken hold of them and they can even give up their commitment to the work to satisfy their cravings. You may not interpret your devotion to God as a big thing, after all God understands and He knows your heart, but you are gradually building for yourself a lifestyle of inconsistency. Your affections are wandering in another direction and it needs to be set right.

The scripture shows us a better way;

If ye then be risen with Christ, see those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

– Colossians 3: 1-2 (KJV)

What you seek reveals where your affection truly lies. It reveals the state and condition of your heart. A believer can say ‘Oh, I love the Lord’ but the things he/she seeks after, contradict their confession to the Lord. To seek those things that are above is to allow the Spirit of God to reveal to you that which the Father has made available to you through the finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ. 

What you are conscious of is what you will manifest. So, if you are not manifesting the God kind of life, then something must be wrong with the direction of your affection. Your affection is the currency that is needed for the withdrawal of the things that are above. If you don’t have affection for the things of the Kingdom, it won’t be seen in your life. Jesus speaking of His reality said;

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven – the Son of Man, who is in heaven.

– John 3:13 (NIV)

This is how it is for every believer. We were first made to sit together with Christ (see Eph.1:19-20; 2:6). For you to walk effectively in this earthly realm, you must first learn what it means to be seated with Christ. Your life did not begin from this earthly realm, so don’t get it twisted. Don’t waste your affection on things that don’t have eternal value.

A Christian is carnal if his/her affection is tied to the things of this world. Letting go becomes very difficult and most times, it takes their attention away from the things of God. Your affection will always lie where your treasure is. We have tied our treasures to earthly things and this has made our affection tilt towards that direction. We have different things we treasure, it could be our career, academics, money, ambitions, and many other things. 

If your affection is tied to these things, they will pose as a hindrance to your walk with God. The rich man who came to Jesus asking what he needed to do to receive eternal life, Jesus told him to keep the commandments and he said he had done that from childhood, then Jesus told him to go sell everything he had and give to the poor but the man couldn’t and went away sad because he had great wealth (see Mark 10:17-22).

 Just like this man, many of us have become so earthly conscious that if God demands these things from us, it will be to us a lifelong struggle. God wants you to build treasures in heaven while on earth. He longs to have your affection set on Him because that’s why He created you. He created you for His pleasure! So, stop placing value on the creation rather than the Creator.

Set your affection on things above and leave it there. Leave every day of your life in constant fellowship with God. Let your revelation of Jesus produce a transformed life that men may see and give glory to the Father in heaven. There’s so much to be done for the Kingdom, God wants to arise through you and me, through His Church. Let this be a wake-up call.

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